March 2012

New York Subway graffiti

Subway graffiti has been a theme in many cities, though New York has to be in the front of that theme. They have had numerous books printed covering the history behind New York subway graffiti. Additionally you can purchase books that are based mainly upon images of subway graffiti.

If you really take a moment and think about it, it makes since. Where the rest of the country has train cars that have been tagged, New York has subways. Add to that the culture and feel of New York and you have to agree that New York would be on top of the graffiti we now refer to as Subway Art.

Graffiti Art on Wheels

Because Sometimes a Wall just isn’t enough

Many walls have been splattered with every imaginable style of graffiti. There have been whole building, concrete walls and simple tags sprayed onto various building parts. Sometimes, walls and building just aren’t enough, sometimes graffiti targets are chosen for no other reason than the capability of movement. What better way to get noticed than to have moving graffiti that’ll be seen throughout the city.